Most of the paper products used is recycled paper anyways. So yeah, the trees were already dead.
Teary Oberon
JoinedPosts by Teary Oberon
Jan 1 2012 WT - increased printing
by Gayle inby 20,000 in 6 more languages.
not a big increase.. dec. 1 wt was 42,162,000 in 188 languages.. jan. 1 wt 42,182,000 in 194 languages..
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
"If you believe in what you are doing and work with a passion, you cannot and don't want to cut corners. I see the blown-up hours reported as a sign of something wrong with the "service", not the people."
Your setences don't really follow each other.
If you believe in what you are doing and work with a passion, you cannot and don't want to cut corners. Conversely, a person who does not believe in what they are doing and who does not have any passion for what they do will be very likely to lie and cut corners. This is indeed a "people" problem.
I also believe that it is difficult to comment on the overall attitude of the current pioneers based solely on accounts from this board. That is like visiting that dairy farm that uses nothing but Brown Swiss cattle, and then making the assumption based off of your observations there that "All dairy cattle must be Brown Swiss Cattle" (which is of course, untrue).
Although, Teary would go so far as to say that most current pioneers are probably very passionate and sincere about what they do (who would dedicate so much time if they weren't passionate and sincere?), and therefore generally do avoid cutting major corners according to the logic already presented. That is why the pioneers that Teary knows fight so hard to stay with it year in and year out, even when they don't have to. And when one of them is forced to quit because of health or other circumstances they have always seemed devestated and eager to get back to it once things are better.
Anybody got a full 1967 Awake set?
by Teary Oberon inanybody got the full year's worth of awakes for 1967 that they would be willing to share?.
the 1967 awake set is the only year that i am lacking before 1970. i've seen a partial set floating around, but never the full year though .
Teary Oberon
Anybody got the full year's worth of Awakes for 1967 that they would be willing to share?
The 1967 Awake set is the only year that I am lacking before 1970. I've seen a partial set floating around, but never the full year though
How long did Conventions used to be?
by donuthole ini remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions.
i know in the past conventions were even longer.
does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years?
Teary Oberon
"A fine way to justify wasting copious amounts of one's life at conventions where their sole purpose is to indoctrinate the mind or to solidify past indoctrination."
Didn't didn't even mention that they were JW conventions. They were simply commenting on y'alls whining and complaining.
How long did Conventions used to be?
by donuthole ini remember as a child in the 1980's attending four day conventions.
i know in the past conventions were even longer.
does anyone know how long they use to last and the approximate years?
Teary Oberon
Teary showed some of the comments here to his grandparents and some older folks, and yeah, guess what the general gist of the remarks were?
"People these days are just big pansies -- they are pampered and nowhere near as tough as in the old days."
Watchtower STUDY EDITION - Vehicle for Vitriol and REALLY crazy statements?
by punkofnice inis it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Teary Oberon
"That is because EXJW's are real people and real people cannot be classifed as they are each individually unique."
Apostates of new religious movements are not any more "individually unique" than are the Witnesses. They are grouped together because of numerous common symptoms, behavioral traits, similar apostate narratives, the need to group together and feed off of each other's negative energy on sites such as this, ect.
You seen one true apostate Witness and you have pretty much seen them all.
Watchtower STUDY EDITION - Vehicle for Vitriol and REALLY crazy statements?
by punkofnice inis it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Teary Oberon
Funny. Teary was thinking the exact same thing about your post sabastious:
"Nevertheless you're post's tone heavily favors the disgruntled ex-Witness as some "innocent bystander" and that is slightly amusing, but mostly deplorable. You paint the aggressor as the victim which is a warped take on reality and ultimately fallacious and possibly destructive."
p.s., It is not a translator's place to deliberately change the meaning and tone of a text simply for the sake of being PC, anymore than it is a Supreme Court Justice's place to ignore the U.S. Constitution for the sake of pandering to a special or political interest. If you don't like the properly translated text, then don't read it.
4. Doting. "Doting" is the present participle of noseo (only here in the NT). Literally the verb means "to be sick." In classical Greek it was used metaphorically for mental illness. Thayer says that here it means "to be taken with such an interest in a thing as amounts to a disease, to have a morbid fondness for" (p.429). Arndt and Gingrich suggest the translation "have a morbid craving for" (cf. Goodspeed). White says of the person described here: "His disease is intellectual curiosity about trifles" (EGT, 4:141). -- Word Meanings in the New Testament, by Ralph Earle.
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
"Theres no getting around it"
Of course there is, because the claim is so absurdly false. It is no different than a 9/11 Truther saying:
"The U.S. government crashed the planes into their own buildings..Theres no getting around it"
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
"No answers just more BS"
Since when has Teary been obligated to answer anything for you?
"So I'm right...Your an Idiot that likes to Screw with People.."
No. The "idiot," as you call him, would be the one who doesn't know the proper way to use the contraction "you're."
How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?
by jehu or jehonadab injust woundering how have you counted your time in field service especially if you were pioneering?.
would like to see if any of you were on the same page as i was.
with so much to do, like reading all the watchtower and awake each month and the bible reading each week.
Teary Oberon
Take number 1 and number 5 and it is perfectly clear:
Teary doesn't claim to be a JW.
Teary doesn't claim to not be a JW
Teary doesn't claim to be anything.
So why do you assume that he is something that he hasn't claimed to be?